The TERYT web service ws1 that makes the data available from the TERYT register to public administration entities and commercial entities. Service and data are available free of charge. The file sharing format is xml.
The following catalogs are available:
Dataset on NTS includes data for the period from 27 July 2000 to 1 January 2017. From 1 January 2018, a new Coding System of Territorial and Statistical Units (KTS) has been in force. For more information on NTS and KTS, please visit:
The TERYT service ws1 provides users methods that perform the following functionalities:
Verification of address data to the street level applies only to the current status of the TERYT database and is based on names or identifiers.
In order to meet the requirement set out in §8 point 3 of the Regulation of the Minister of Economic Development, Labour and Technology of 21 July 2021 on the Localities, Streets and Addresses Register (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1368), as part of the TERYT ws1 service a new functionality for gminas has been launched. It enables receiving by statistics services electronically sent information on changes in street naming and ordinal numbering of buildings from the Localities, Streets and Addresses Register (EMUiA).
In order to use the service, please send an email to, providing the following information:
Feedback will be sent to the user after the account is created.
For the module dedicated to gminas:
A similar scope of information should be sent to the competent Statistical Office due to the location (voivodship) in order to identify and certify the account in the service. Feedback on the possibility of using the service will be sent via e-mail on address indicated in the application. Login data will be provided separately.
The following documentation contains all the information necessary to integrate with the service TERYT and a module for gminas:
Technical manual of TERYT ws1 service
Technical manual of TERYT ws1 service – suplement for gminas
Reports of Failures or Problems should be made via e-mail or telephone.
The content of the notification should specify whether it concerns a problem/failure, TERYT service/module for gminas, name and surname and landline telephone number of the contact person.
233 334 242 queries from 01.01.2015
4 359 registered users
The daily use of the service - last 7 days
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